NYPA Exploring Renewable Energy Opportunities

US’ Largest State Public Power Organization Mulling Collaboration With RE Developers
NYPA’s RFI follows the nod it has received under the New York State’s 2023-24 Enacted Budget to undertake renewable energy projects. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Sergii Figurnyi/Shutterstock.com)
NYPA’s RFI follows the nod it has received under the New York State’s 2023-24 Enacted Budget to undertake renewable energy projects. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Sergii Figurnyi/Shutterstock.com)
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  • NYPA has issued an RFI to seek interested companies in the renewable energy field for collaboration 
  • It aims to develop renewable energy projects, including solar PV, wind energy and battery energy storage facilities 
  • It will pursue joint development opportunities to contribute to the achievement of New York State's energy goals 

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) has launched a request for information (RFI) to seek potential interest and opportunities for it to collaborate for its renewable energy prospects, including for solar PV, wind energy and battery energy storage facilities.  

Calling itself the largest state public power organization in the US, NYPA says the RFI will enable it to engage directly with renewable energy developers, contractors and companies to develop, own and operate renewable energy generating projects and storage systems. NYPA's more than 80% electricity generation currently is via hydropower. 

It specifically seeks information related to joint development opportunities in support of the New York State's aggressive energy goals, according to the NYPA. New York State targets to achieve a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70% renewable energy generation by 2030, and report economywide carbon neutrality by mid-century. A distributed solar goal of 10 GW is part of the plans (see 10 GW Distributed Solar By 2030 For New York).  

"NYPA's unique position as an innovative public utility allows us to bring our resources and experience to bear to build projects in timely, economical ways," said NYPA President and CEO Justin E. Driscoll. "The results of this RFI will inform the Power Authority's next steps, advancing a cohesive and efficient transition to a clean energy economy for New York State that will benefit all New Yorkers."  

Under the New York State's 2023-24 Enacted State Budget, the NYPA gets the green signal to plan, design, develop, finance, construct, own and operate its own renewable energy projects. It also requires the authority to develop and publish a strategic plan to identify its renewable energy generating priorities, starting from 2025 to be updated biennially, as per its recently published Conferral Report.  

Launched on January 2, 2024, the NYPA will be accepting responses to the RFI till February 7, 2024. These need to be emailed to NYPARenewables@nypa.gov.For details visit NYPAwebsite.

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