U-M in its 25 MW solar RFI says it will prefer distributed solar, and may also opt for ground mounted PV. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Tsetso Photo/Shutterstock.com)
U-M in its 25 MW solar RFI says it will prefer distributed solar, and may also opt for ground mounted PV. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Tsetso Photo/Shutterstock.com)

U-M Seeking Contractors For 25 MW Solar PV Capacity

Michigan University Opens RFI Round For 25 MW Solar Generation Capacity Distributed Across 3 Campuses; To Give Preference To Local Goods & Services
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  • U-M has opened an RFI round for the installation of 25 MW solar PV capacity on its campuses
  • Desired installations will be solar PV systems on existing parking decks, parking lots and large rooftops
  • 15 MW to 20 MW PV capacity is sought for Ann Arbor campus, and for both Dearborn and Flint campuses the requirement is for 1 MW to 5 MW solar each

The University of Michigan (U-M) is looking for contractors for the development of 25 MW combined solar PV capacity for its 3 campuses of Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint on design, build, own, operate and maintain (DBOOM) or design, build, transfer (DBT) basis.

For Ann Arbor location, it seeks to have 15 MW to 20 MW PV capacity, while for each of the Dearborn and Flint campuses the requirement is for 1 MW to 5 MW solar. Solar projects on existing parking decks, parking lots and large rooftops will be preferred, and the university may consider ground installations.

Behind-the-meter (BTM) installations will be prioritized that can connect adjacent buildings or campus electrical distribution system. Preference will also be accorded to use of local goods and services 'if they are competitively priced and of comparable quality'.

Commercial operations for all the projects need to start latest by December 31, 2025, however the university has not mentioned the last date for submissions to this request for information (RFI).

These solar installations are aligned with the U-M aim to achieve carbon neutrality for Scope 2 or purchased electricity emissions across the campus by 2025 and eliminate Scope 1 or direct emissions by 2040.

Additionally, the City of Ann Arbor where the university is located is also seeking an additional 1 MW to 2 MW of solar PV capacity through a separate request for proposals (RFP), according to U-M.

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