
LONGi Shipped 30 GW+ Solar Modules In 9M/2022

Anu Bhambhani
  • LONGi has shared its preliminary financial results for the period between January 2022 and September 2022
  • It shipped over 60 GW of monocrystalline silicon wafers during the period
  • Monocrystalline silicon solar PV modules shipped were a total of more than 30 GW

Chinese vertically integrated solar PV manufacturer LONGi Green Energy Technology says it shipped over 30 GW worth of monocrystalline solar PV modules during 9M/2022, along with more than 60 GW of monocrystalline silicon wafers, as per its preliminary financial results.

In a stock exchange announcement, the manufacturer said its Xixian Leye high efficiency monocrystalline cell project with 15 GW annual output was energized in September 2022 (see China PV News Snippets). At the same time its new cell technology called Hybrid Passivated Back Contact (HPBC) entered mass production stage.

While the company's final financial report will prevail once it is released, it shows the speed at which LONGi's shipments are increasing. In H1/2022, it shipped 18.02 GW monocrystalline modules out of which 17.70 GW was sold externally (see LONGi Shipped 18 GW Solar Modules In H1/2022).

During H1/2022, its monocrystalline silicon wafer shipments were a total of 39.62 GW, including 20.15 GW sold externally.