
China PV News Snippets: ReneSola, Autowell, Arctech, JiaWei

Meena Nair
  • ReneSola sells 16 MW ground-mounted solar parks to Modus Asset Management
  • Autowell Technology wins bid raised by JinkoSolar for stringer welding machines to be used at its Yiwu production base
  • Arctech Solar, in cooperation with the Hevel Group, has successfully supplied the largest bifacial and tracking photovoltaic project in Kazakhstan
  • Shanghai Jiawei Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd., to sign an equity transfer agreement with Zhenfa Group

ReneSola sells 16 MW solar parks in Poland: In an announcement, PV project developer ReneSola said that it has sold a portfolio of ground-mounted solar parks to Modus Asset Management, a renewable energy investment company with focus on the solar market in Poland. The portfolio was developed and constructed by ReneSola Power and comprises 16 state-of-the-art projects equipped with bifacial solar panels, with a combined capacity of 16 MW. All the projects have been awarded a 15-year contract-for-difference support mechanism in Poland, ensuring stability of revenue for the projects. Meanwhile, ReneSola had sold 4.3 MW solar projects in the UK early this month (see China PV News Snippets: ReneSola, Trina, TBEA)

 Autowell wins JinkoSolar's stringer machine order bid: Automation equipment manufacturer Autowell Technology has won the bid raised by JinkoSolar for stringer welding machines to be used at its Yiwu production base. The company said the bid amount runs to RMB 105 million ($16.07 million). The two parties are yet to sign a formal contract.

Arctech successfully supplies trackers for Kazakhstan PV project: Chinese tracker and mounting systems company Arctech Solar announced that, in cooperation with the Hevel Group, it has successfully supplied trackers to a large bifacial and tracking photovoltaic project in Kazakhstan. Hevel is a Russia based HJT cell/module maker also developing projects. The project, which uses Hevel's bifacial HJT modules and has a total installed capacity of 150 MW, is spread across Turkestan, Kyzylorda, Almaty and Shymkent in southern Kazakhstan. It is only last month that Arctech was chosen by Hevel Group to supply these trackers (see China PV News Snippets: Arctech, Jinjing, Trina, Guodian)

JiaWei's subsidiary to acquire 20% of Gulang Zhenye: JiaWei Renewable Energy has said in an announcement that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai Jiawei Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd., will soon be signing an equity transfer agreement with Zhenfa Group. The company intends to acquire 20% stake in Gulang Zhenye Desert Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd. for a price of RMB 2.8 million ($.43 million). Currently, Zhenfa Group holds a 20% stake in Gulang Zhenye, which will be transferred to Shanghai Jiawei after the transaction.