
Germany Installed 482.5 MW New Solar In June 2021

Anu Bhambhani
  • Germany installed 482.5 GW new solar PV capacity in the month of June 2021
  • The number is an increase over 393 MW added in May 2021 and 437 MW in June 2020
  • The country's total installed PV capacity during 1st 6 months of 2021 went up to 2.75 GW

Germany exited H1/2021 with the addition of more than 2.75 GW, growing from around 2.36 GW reported in the previous year, thanks to the addition of 482.5 MW of solar power capacity in the month of June 2021.

Latest figures released by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), show the 482.5 MW June 2021 additions comprised 306.7 MW capacity built as ground mounted systems outside the EEG tender scheme. The June 2021 numbers are higher than 393.59 MW in May 2021, an adjusted number from previously announced 403 MW (see Germany Installed 403 MW Solar PV Capacity In May 2021).

In the previous year in the month of June 2020, German PV additions were a total of 437 MW (see Germany Installed 437 MW New Solar In June 2020).

With the latest numbers in, Germany's cumulative installed solar PV capacity went up to over 56.8 GW. In 2021, Germany is expected to add a total of over 6 GW by several industry experts. SolarPower Europe (SPE) expects the market grow to a total of 7 GW in 2022, and exceed 10 GW of annual capacity by 2024, in its latest edition of Global Market Outlook (see SPE: 163 GW Solar PV Capacity Addition Globally In 2021).