
Oman Rooftop PV Scheme Goes Online

Anu Bhambhani
  • Oman rooftop solar power systems installed under its rooftop Sahim PV scheme are getting online
  • Sahim is aimed at supporting residential homeowners install rooftop PV systems based on a netmetering scheme
  • Through Sahim, regulator AER says users will be able to save 40% on their energy bills
  • AER is preparing to launch second phase of Sahim; recently it issued RFP for technical advisory services

Oman's Authority for Electricity Regulation (AER) has started grid connecting residential rooftop PV systems installed under the country's Sahim  renewable energy scheme. AER hopes the scheme will help residents save around 40% on their electricity bills, according to Utilities Middle East.

Literally meaning 'contribute' in Arabic, Sahim was introduced in May 2017 to promote distributed generation while at the same time reducing the magnitude and cost of transmission and distribution system losses.

The scheme is structured in two phases. Under Sahim I, larger households and businesses can install systems and sell excess power to the grid at the rate of the prevailing electricity tariff. Under Sahim 2, rooftop PV systems of 3 kW to 5 kW capacity will be targeted to be installed on 10% to 30% of residential premises. Here, private entities will be roped in to procure, install, operate and maintain these systems.

AER recently issued a request for proposals for technical advisory services for the Sahim 2 rooftop PV initiative.

Oman's neighbour United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a similar scheme called Shams Dubai that is in effect since 2014. Dubai strives to have rooftop solar panels installed on every roof by 2030 (see Dubai Installed 17.7 MW Rooftop PV).

Oman already has a few larger solar rooftop installations.  Shell, which is running a Solar into Schools program in Oman, has installed several solar rooftop systems in the country (see Shell Oman Steps Up 'Solar Into Schools' Program).

Recently, Oman Power & Water Procurement Company revealed in its 7-year statement for 2018 to 2024 that it plans to have 2 GW of PV capacity installed by 2025 (see Oman To Issue 2 GW Of Solar Tenders).