
Over 51 GW Proposals For Brazil June 2019 Auction

Anu Bhambhani
  • Brazil's A-4 auction to be held on June 28, 2019 (previously June 27), has received an enthusiastic response
  • EPE has registered a total of 1,581 projects for the auction representing over 51.2 GW of total renewable energy capacity
  • Out of the projects registered, 47% are those that were previously registered in the New Energy Auction of 2018
  • Solar and wind have each got 751 projects registered for the auction, with capacity of more than 26 GW and 23 GW, respectively

There is a lot of interest in Brazil's latest power auction. For the forthcoming A-4 auction, scheduled for June 28, 2019, the Energy Research Company (EPE) has registered a total of 1,581 projects equal to 51,204 MW. Among participating technologies, 751 projects each have been registered for solar and wind power. However, solar scores over wind in terms of capacity – 26,253 MW compared to 23,110 MW of wind.

Previously, the A-4 auction date was said to take place on June 27, 2019, and has solar pitted against wind, hydropower and biomass (see Solar In A-4 Brazil Auction).

Out of the 1,581 registered projects, 47% were previously registered in the New Energy Auction of 2018, according to the notification issued. For investors as well as EPE, this step reduces lengthy documentation and paper work and thereby saves time, said EPE. Relevant documents can be submitted by April 15, 2019.

Brazil has already conducted a slew of auctions out of which 73 large scale solar power projects awarded have been connected to the grid. As on March 7, 2019, utility scale grid connected solar power capacity in the country surpassed 2 GW, according to local PV association ABSOLAR (see Brazil's Utility Scale Solar Capacity Tops 2 GW).