Our Events

Apr.13, 2021: Solar Trackers Conference

TaiyangNews Staff

TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on Solar Trackers

– How to Follow The Sun Optimally To Maximize Yield Of Utility-Scale PV Systems

 This Conference is also Launch Event for the TaiyangNews 1st Market Survey on Solar Trackers

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Click here to read conference summary
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The number of large-scale PV systems being built with solar trackers is quickly increasing.  So are technology improvements and the number of players in that segment. As TaiyangNews is working on its first market survey on solar trackers, providing details on players and products, we are preparing our first conference on this topic to discuss the latest updates in this field. At the conference, we will also launch our market survey.
Tuesday, 13 April 2020
Moderator: Michael Schmela, TaiyangNews

13:00 – 13:05                Welcome & Intro
                                       Michael Schmela, TaiyangNews

13:05 – 13:30                Solar Trackers – TaiyangNews Report Launch
                                       Dr. Olga Papathanasiou, TaiyangNews

13:30 – 14:00                Tracker Bankability Review – How to mitigate investment risk in tracker


                                       Cesar Hidalgo, DNV

14:00 – 14:30                Experience with trackers from a globally active solar developer
                                       Christoph Reiners, BayWa r.e.

14:30 – 15:00                Evaluation of tracker technology in the Northern Hemisphere
                                       Jan Vedde, European Energy

15:00 – 15:30                 From solar modules to trackers and power plants – a comprehensive

utility-scale system solution for low-cost operation

                                        Kevin Shu, Trina Solar

15:30 – 16:00                 Transitioning from Flexible to Rigid Trackers to enable Large Size
                                        Pedro Magalhães, Arctech

16:00 – 16:30                  2021 Trackers redesign challenge: How to improve adaptability and
                                         production with the new extra large modules trend       

                                         Eduardo Chillarón, PV Hardware (PVH)

16:30 – 17:00                 Conclusions & Outlook – What's next for solar trackers & utility scale
                                        Executive Fire Chat: Philip Shen, ROTH Capital,  Arturo
Herrero, GameChange Solar

17:00                               Conference Closing