
IBC Efficiency Pushed Beyond Limits In 2023

Shravan Chunduri
  • The efficiency range for Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) technology saw significant advancements throughout 2022 and 2023, with upper limits increasing from 22.7% to 24%
  • As of December 2023, a total of 5 companies are listed under IBC technology
  • Aiko Solar holds the 1st rank in this technology with an efficiency of 24%.

TaiyangNews has been publishing report articles based on Top Solar Modules Listing Report 2022 / 2023. In our previous articles, we discussed technologies and shares of high efficiency solar modules. This article focuses on the efficiency of solar modules in Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) technology.

In January 2022, the efficiency range for IBC was between 22.3% and 22.7%, with the lower limit extending to 22% in February. In March, The efficiency band for IBC shifted by 0.1% at both the lower and upper limits to 22.1% and 22.8%, respectively, and remained unchanged until May. In June 2022, the minimum efficiency increased again to 22.3% with no change in the maximum value, which continued until February 2023. The upper limit increased to 23.6% in March 2023, and to 24% in June 2023. While it remained so until the end of the year, the range narrowed by increasing the lower limit to 22.8% from September onwards till December 2023.

Moving on to the companies and their respective efficiencies, Maxeon and LG had the highest efficiencies in the first month of 2022, at 22.7% and 22.3%, respectively. In February, SPIC entered with a somewhat lower-level efficiency of 22%. In March, while LG was delisted due to its exit from the solar business, both Maxeon and SPIC increased their efficiency by 0.1%, and then SPIC alone increased it to 22.3% in June. While these efficiency levels remained the same, LONGi entered the IBC game in October with its brand new HPBC technology, realizing 22.8%, on par with Maxeon's module.

An Aiko show: Maxeon and SPIC have been the traditional IBC followers with LONGi joining the club towards the end of 2022, but it has been an Aiko show in 2023 both with its foray into the technology and becoming the first to hit the 24% efficiency benchmark. (Source: TaiyangNews)

In March 2023, Aiko created history by commercializing a module series with efficiencies exceeding 23%. Just 3 months later in June 2023, Aiko broke its own record by introducing a 24% efficiency commercial module, again based on the IBC cell architecture. In August, Maxeon improved its efficiency from 22.8% to 23%. Then, SPIC upgraded its IBC technology again in September to base it on TOPCon, boosting the absolute efficiency by 0.5% to 22.8%. The status quo was maintained till year-end.

For more details, download The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES 2023 Report for free here.