
Module Efficiencies 21.7 To 22 percent

Shravan Chunduri
  • This efficiency band has the fewest contenders. In January 2022, only Meyer Burger's HJT module was present, while Jinergy entered in September 2023
  • While companies like SPIC and Trina Solar briefly entered this efficiency range with their IBC and TOPCon modules respectively, they quickly surpassed it and moved into a higher efficiency class
  • The competition in this efficiency range has mostly been between HJT and TOPCon technologies. Both the modules in this band are now represented by HJT.

Our recent articles over the past week have centered on modules falling within various efficiency ranges. For detailed insights on the bands, please refer to our previously published article Module Efficiency Developments. This efficiency band has the least representation. The modules in this range between 21.7% to 22% entered into higher efficiency band in the short time. In January 2022, the only product present in this efficiency range was the HJT module from Meyer Burger. Then, in February, SPIC's IBC module was also added to our listing, with 22% efficiency.

The very next month, however, SPIC improved its efficiency to 22.1%, thus jumping to the next class and leaving Meyer Burger all alone in this efficiency range. It continued until September 2022, when Trina Solar launched a TOPCon module with 21.9% efficiency, which remained so until December 2022. In the same month, Qcells' TOPCon module reappeared with a lower efficiency of 22%, increasing the product count in the month to 3. However, the TOPCon products from Trina and Qcells improved their efficiency in the months of March and April 2023, respectively, again leaving Meyer Burger as the lone contender in this efficiency class. This continued until August.

A quick stop: Since the efficiency band of >21.7% to 22% is somewhat low for high efficiency cell technologies, companies are swiftly moving above this band. (Source: TaiyangNews)

In September, Jinergy, as a result of improving the highest module efficiency of its HJT products from 21.68% to 21.85%, entered the list, increasing the count to 2. The number of products in this band remained at 2 through the end of 2023 (see Top Efficiency Of Each Cell Technology).

The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES 2023 Report summarizes the key findings from over 24 editions published during 2022 and 2023. Download the free report here.