
Share Of Cell Technologies

Shravan Chunduri
  • TaiyangNews analyzes module efficiency developments over 2 years with respect to different cell technologies, notably IBC, HJT, TOPCon and PERC
  • Over 24 months, all cell technologies, except TOPCon, have seen a decrease in their share among the top module products listed
  • There has been a rise in the number of products using all cell technologies (except PERC), even though their share of the market has shrunk.

The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES 2023 report encapsulates key discoveries from 24 editions released throughout 2022 and 2023. In our previous couple of articles, we analyzed the progress of efficiency in various bands. We now report further analysis of how the efficiency has progressed during this period with respect to different cell technologies – IBC, HJT, TOPCon and PERC. While it does show the larger picture as every cell technology has a typical efficiency band, there are always exceptions. We aim to provide an analysis with respect to each cell technology used in commercial module production (see Module Efficiency Developments).

Starting with statistics, the chart above summarizes the cell technology distribution among the top module products listed each month. Except for TOPCon, all the technologies have lost share over the course of 24 months, while the absolute product count did increase for all technologies but for PERC. IBC technology witnessed a gradual decline, slipping from 10% to 9% in 2022, and further decreasing to 7% by the end of 2023. Similarly, HJT, which started with a 20% share in 2022, saw a decline to 16% by the close of 2023. In contrast, TOPCon surged ahead significantly, with its market share leaping from 10% to an impressive 33% over the same period. Despite its enduring prominence, PERC experienced a dip in its market share from 50% to 44%.

With all the technologies put together, the graph may appear somewhat complex. However, it becomes clearer when each cell technology is evaluated separately. To understand these trends better, future reports will delve deeper into each individual cell technology.

For more details, download The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES 2023 Report for free here.