
Trina Counts Growing Support For 210 Modules

Anu Bhambhani
  • Trina Solar counts 14 mainstream trackers as now being compatible with its Vertex series of 210 modules
  • These 14 brands, including Trina Trackers, account for over 90% of the global tracker market share, it claims
  • Trina says compatibility of trackers with ultra-high-power modules eventually leads to reduced costs and increased efficiency for various applications

Chinese solar cell, module and now tracker producer Trina Solar counts the growing number of mainstream tracker brands, now adding up to 14, that support 210mm wafer sized solar modules, which it sees as representing a significant shift in the market for its high efficiency, large format Vertex modules.

Along with its own Trina Trackers, the Chinese company lists other 13 tracker brands as Arctech Solar, Array Technologies, Clenergy, FTC Solar, Gamechange Solar, Grace Solar, Ideematec, Nextracker, Soltec, PVHardware, Solar Steel, STI Norland and Powerway.

Altogether, these brands account for more than 90% of the global tracker market share, according to Trina, and is a jump from only 8 tracker suppliers supporting its Vertex modules in February 2021.

"The compatibility with ultra-high-power modules also enhances tracker value in the integrated systems, achieving 1+1>2 effect with reduced costs and increased efficiency in various application systems," claims Trina.

It has now updated the company's new offering, an online matching tool 2.0 designed to enable project planners to design PV power plants, with the list of tracker makers. Trina discussed the new online design tool during TaiyangNews Solar Module Innovations Conference, held on November 15 & 16, 2021 (see Day 2: Solar Module Innovations Conference). Conference recordings are available on our YouTube channel and the links appear here.

Back to Trina, the company has also released a whitepaper focusing on the compatibility and configuration analysis of the main trackers in the market with its Vertex bifacial modules.

The company has been quickly responding to challenges expected to arise out of large sized modules in the 600W+ Vertex series. Recently, it introduced the company's integrated delivery solution that involves packing module vertically owing to their size, instead of conventional manner of horizontal packing. This approach, it explained, maximizes space inside the shipping container.

Passed by the International Safe Transport Association (ISTA), the vertical packing method would require fewer shipping containers, explained Trina, which reduces the overall CO2 emissions from ocean freight by 4% to 8%, while reducing freight cost.

"At a time of rising shipping costs, this solution saves 0.3 cents per watt on maritime freight costs, assuming that a container is fully loaded with 558 modules and each module is 660W, calculated at the current mainstream price of $10,000 per container," said Trina Solar's Head of Product Strategy and Marketing, Dr. Zhang Yingbin.

TaiyangNews has recently published and overview on the leading players and their products in the field of solar trackers  (see TaiyangNews Market Survey on Solar Trackers 2021).