Hevel Touts 24.5% Efficiency For Heterojunction Solar Cells

Russia’s Hevel Group Upgrades Production Line To M6 Wafer Size, Solderable Busbar Cells & Switches Over To Bifacial Module Production Entirely

  • Hevel Group has upgraded its 350 MW HJT production facility to handle M6 wafer size and solderable cells, which have a mass production efficiency of 24.5%, now a 100% bifacial module fab
  • As part of the upgrade, the company successfully transformed the module line from adhesive based to soldering for cell interconnection
  • It now offers both busbar and non-busbar cells of various sizes ranging between 60 to 144 half-cut cells

Russian solar cell and modules manufacturer Hevel Group’s 350 MW annual production facility is upgraded to handle larger M6 wafer sizes and solderable metallization layout. The cells now sport mass production efficiency of 24.5% with 0.26%/°C temperature coefficient.

As part of the upgrade, company has also switched to a soldering based interconnection process, instead of the glue-based solutions employed in past.

“During the modernization of the technological line, the transition from the adhesive technology of cell-strings assembly to assembly by soldering was also carried out. This helped to get away from expensive components and reduce the cost of production,” stated Hevel.

The company has increased its module production capacity from 160 MW to 350 MW annually over the last 5 years. While upgrading its production line, it has now also completely switched over to bifacial heterojunction (HJT) PV panels.

Along with both busbar and busbarless cells of different sizes, Hevel counts its product line as including solar modules of 60, 66, 72, and 144 half-cut cells. A 144 half-cut cell solar module offers a power rating of 450W.

Hevel’s majority stakeholder, Ream Management is also investing in Unigreen Energy to build its EnCore Gigafactory, a 1.3 GW silicon n-type monocrystalline ingots and wafers fab, and 1 GW HJT factory in Russia’s Kaliningrad region. It was planned to be ramped up in late 2022 (see Russia To Host Gigawatt Level Heterojunction Factory). However, on the website it says now that the 1 GW HJT cell/module facility will start production in 2023.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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