Austria Added 740 MW New Solar In 2021

Austria Doubles Annual Installed PV Volume in 2021 Expanding Cumulative Installed Solar PV Capacity To Over 2.78 GW
Even as Austria grew its annual solar installation numbers by 117% in 2021 to 740 MW, PV Austria says it needs to install an average of 1 GW to reach 13 GW target by 2030, to be scaled up to 30 GW by 2040. (Source: PV Austria)
Even as Austria grew its annual solar installation numbers by 117% in 2021 to 740 MW, PV Austria says it needs to install an average of 1 GW to reach 13 GW target by 2030, to be scaled up to 30 GW by 2040. (Source: PV Austria)
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  • PV Austria says the country installed its highest annual solar PV capacity in 2021 with 740 MW
  • Maximum capacity was installed in Lower Austria with more than 195 MW, and over 177 MW in Upper Austria
  • It recommends all states to invest in solar PV and for massive grid expansion to meet 100% renewable energy target for 2030

With the addition of 740 MW new capacity in 2021, reflecting an annual improvement of 117% and the largest annual it has ever had, Austria's total installed PV capacity till the end of last year reached 2.783 GW, according to local association Photovoltaic Austria Federal Association (PV Austria).

In comparison, it had installed 341 MW in 2020 for an annual growth of 38% (see Austria Installed 341 MW New Solar In 2020).

Of the 740 MW installed, largest additions of more than 195 MW were reported in Lower Austria followed by over 177 MW in Upper Austria.

While record annual addition is good news for this European solar market, Austria is still far off from 1 GW annual average it needs to be able to meet its 2030 target of 13 GW. In 2040, it should grow the cumulative PV capacity to 30 GW.

According to the association, extensive funding landscape in the country played an important role in this 'enormous' annual growth along with tariff subsidies. The CEO of the association Herbert Paierl said, "Without massive grid expansion, I fear we will get stuck in the fossil age Important accompanying measures such as adequately designated Areas for photovoltaics or the acceleration of the approval process are still missing."

The association wants all federal states to make their contribution enabling Austria to have a complete renewable energy grid by 2030, as targeted under the Renewable Expansion Law EAG, which will lower its dependence on expensive imports, including Russian gas (see Austria Votes For 100% Renewable Energy Scenario For 2030).

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