First EU Countries Raise 2030 Solar Targets

After Several Updated NECPs Were Received, EU Member States Aim To Achieve 425 GW Solar By 2030
Picture shows NECP’s solar targets in 2019 and updates in 2023 compared to current installed capacity. (Only targets expressed in NECPs are included). (Photo Credit: Solar Power Europe)
Picture shows NECP’s solar targets in 2019 and updates in 2023 compared to current installed capacity. (Only targets expressed in NECPs are included). (Photo Credit: Solar Power Europe)
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  • 12 EU member states submit revised NECP plans, adding 90 more GW
  • 15 EU member states yet so submit their revised NECP plans
  • Despite raising targets, out of the 12 countries, 8 countries will reach their 2030 target 3 years early

SolarPower Europe, the association of the European solar sector, announced that 12 EU Member States have submitted their revised National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) to the European Commission by 30 June 2023. At the same time, 15 EU countries missed the deadline.

With submission from 12 countries, fresh 90 GW will be added to EU's solar ambition, raising the solar target to 425 GW by 2030. The new targets, by weighted average, have now increased by 63%.

Lithuania increased its target by 500%, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden more than doubled their previous targets, and Spain increased its target by 94%. Despite the 63% average rise in ambition, out of the 12 updated NECPs, 8 countries are expected to reach their new 2030 target at least 3 years early, according to SPE analysis.

The NECPs analysis reveals that among all countries:

  • 4 EU countries have already reached their set solar target for 2030
  • 19 countries will most likely reach their target within the next 5 years
  • The final 4 will likely reach their goals between 2027 and 2030

From around 208 GW installed today, EU countries are currently aiming for 425 GW of solar capacity by 2030. Meanwhile, the European Commission has set a target of 750 GW by the same year, and SolarPower Europe's latest research anticipates a most-likely scenario where over 900 GW of solar capacity will be installed in the EU by 2030.

Obviously, the NECP numbers will increase significantly when all countries have handed in their updated NECPs. Europe's largest solar market Germany, for example, is among the countries that have yet to hand in their revised NECPs, and it has revised its official solar target to 215 GW which is more than double its old NECP.  Still, it does not look like all countries, once their new numbers are available, will meet the 750 GW 2030 EU solar target set by Brussels.

Raffaele Rossi, Head of Market Intelligence at SolarPower Europe, said: "Our latest analysis reveals that the way governments think about solar has definitively changed. However, given that the role of a target is to go beyond business-as-usual, and sketch out the plan for the new energy system, ambition is still falling short. Grid operators, citizens, businesses, and energy providers all need to be able to prepare for the reality of a solar and renewable based energy system."

It was in 2019 that the EU mandated its member states to publish and implement 10-year National Energy and Climate Plans. The NECPs enable a country to set targets, policies, and measures that will enable it to reach the 2030 EU renewable targets. In 2020, EU had published that 209 GW solar PV capacity will be reached in Europe by 2030 (see 209 GW Solar PV Capacity In Europe By 2030).

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