Germany Installed 1.23 GW New Solar PV In Oct 2023

Bundesnetzagentur Adjusts Installation Numbers For Previous Months, Taking 10M/2023 Cumulative To Exceed 11 GW
Bundesnetzagentur adjusted solar PV additions for all the months this year which takes the national total during 10M/2023 to over 11.7 GW. (Photo Credit: Bundesnsetzagentur)
Bundesnetzagentur adjusted solar PV additions for all the months this year which takes the national total during 10M/2023 to over 11.7 GW. (Photo Credit: Bundesnsetzagentur)
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  • Germany installed 1.23 GW of new solar PV capacity in the month of October 2023 
  • It contributes to 11.7 GW of additions the Bundesnetzagentur says the country installed during 10M/2023 
  • Germany's cumulative installed solar PV capacity at the end of October 2023 reached 79.24 GW 

Germany's Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur has reported 1,231 MW of new solar PV capacity additions in the month of October 2023. It is now the 8th consecutive month to have installed over 1 GW PV capacity this year, taking 10M/2023 additions to 11.7 GW. 

At the end of October this year, Germany's cumulative installed solar PV capacity reached 79.24 GW. 

<em>According to the agency, EEG funding supported 606 MW of rooftop PV capacity came online during October 2023, while 535 MW of ground mounted PV projects awarded under EEG tenders were implemented during the month. (Photo Credit: Bundesnsetzagentur)</em>
According to the agency, EEG funding supported 606 MW of rooftop PV capacity came online during October 2023, while 535 MW of ground mounted PV projects awarded under EEG tenders were implemented during the month. (Photo Credit: Bundesnsetzagentur)

State funding under the country's Renewable Energy Sources (EEG) supported 606 MW rooftop PV capacity during the reported month, along with 24.7 MW of ground mounted facilities and 2.3 MW of tenant electricity projects. More than 535 MW ground mounted and 12.9 MW rooftop PV capacity selected under EEG auctions along with 15.9 MW rooftop and 34.3 MW of open space unsubsidized projects made up the rest.  

Most of the new capacity during the initial 10 months came up in the Bavaria region with 2.87 GW, followed by 1.79 GW in North Rhine-Westphalia, and 1.53 GW in Baden-Württemberg. 

The October 2023 installations are more than double of 639 MW the agency reported for the month of October 2022, and an improvement over 1.05 GW the country added in the month of September 2023. The latter is a revised number from 919 MW the agency previously announced (see Germany Installed 919 MW Solar In Sept. 2023).  

In comparison, onshore wind capacity of Germany increased by 405 MW in October 2023, along with 4 MW biomass capacity while no offshore wind projects were installed during the month. 

While solar PV installations go up in Germany, the upstream and downstream PV industry in the country are facing challenges as the government's €60 billion funding plans hit a deadlock (see German Solar Industry Facing Challenging Times). 

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