Germany Installed 419 MW Solar In Jan. 2022

Bundesnetzagentur Says Germany Started 2022 With 419 MW Solar Registered In January - Basically Level MoM
Germany’s January 2022 installations dropped from a year back when 524 MW was installed, but were almost at par with 421 MW added in the previous month.
Germany’s January 2022 installations dropped from a year back when 524 MW was installed, but were almost at par with 421 MW added in the previous month.
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  • Germany's Bundesnetzagentur registered 418.8 MW new solar PV capacity in January 2022
  • It comprises 261 MW installed outside the country's flagship EEG scheme
  • In comparison, wind energy space saw the installations during the reporting period as 234 MW
  • Germany targets 100% renewable based power sector by 2035

The German Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur has said the country has started 2022 with the addition of 419 MW (418.8 MW to be specific) of new solar in January 2022, while wind energy capacity in the same month was over 234 MW.

It includes 261 MW installed outside the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) tenders.

This monthly addition is a decline from a year back when the agency counted 524 MW worth of PV capacity having been registered. But on a monthly bases is stayed basically at the same level. In December 2021, Germany added 421 MW PV taking the total addition in 2021 to 5.26 GW (see New Solar Installations In Germany Grow To 5.26 GW In 2021).

The German government is targeting for the country to aim for up to 20 GW of annual installations later this decade as it strives to reach a 200 GW cumulative solar PV target by 2030 which would also boost tender volumes (see Germany Pushing Renewables For Climate Targets).

In a parliament meeting on Friday, when Germany discussed the war in the Ukraine, its Federal Minister for Finance Christian Lindner from the Liberal Party called renewable energies as "freedom energies" which help to unchain from dependencies. "We build on freedom energies," he said. Climate and Economy Minister Robert Habeck from the Green Party said, "Energy policy has become a question of national security. And we will have to invest." A new white paper of the German government calsl for a 100% renewable energy based power sector by 2035

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