Online UK RE Procurement Platform Clinches 1st Deal

UK Investment Fund Downing LLP Secures Power Purchase Agreements For 2 Solar Farms Through Online Renewable Energy Procurement Platform Zeigo

Renewable energy procurement via online route is catching the fancy of corporate energy buyers as one such platform Zeigo reported 18 GW capacity in the form of 300 projects in April 2020. It recently got its 1st deal helping Downing get PPAs for its 2 Devon located solar farms in the UK. (Photo Credit: Downing LLP)
  • Zeigo has enabled execution of its 1st PPA for Downing LLP for its 2 solar farms in Devon
  • Downing said the online procurement platform allowed it to compare a large range of suppliers and secure best terms in the market
  • The PPAs have been secured with a local major energy supplier in the UK

UK based online procurement platform for renewable energy Zeigo has clinched its 1st deal, executing a power purchase agreement (PPA) for UK investment fund Downing LLP for 2 of the latter’s solar farms in Devon. The deals have been struck with a major unidentified local UK energy supplier.

While the 2 solar farms were not identified, Zeigo says the online procurement platform enabled Downing execute the PPA at a favorable time, and at a favorable price. Downing’s in-house asset management team member Lucy Underwood said the online platform ‘facilitated the comparison of a larger range of suppliers’ and that the firm was able to ‘secure the best terms in the market’.

Like any other industry, going online seems to be working for buying and selling of renewable energy as well since such platforms promise to connect renewable energy generators and suppliers with corporate energy buyers, bringing in transparency with the rates while also addressing ‘significant barriers’ that block market access as limited market visibility and complex legalities involved.

And the interest seems to be growing as well. In March 2020, Zeigo said it added over 4 GW renewable energy capacity onto the PPA marketplace and has projects available across Europe, including the UK, Spain, Poland, Italy and the Nordics. The total capacity on its PPA platform, back in April 2020, grew to more than 300 projects of 18 GW. Zeigo was also able to raise £800,000 in seed funding to accelerate its growth across the UK and Europe.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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