Poland Crosses 2.26 GW Cumulative PV Capacity

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne Says Till August 1, 2020, Cumulative Installed Solar PV Capacity Of Poland Reached Over 2.26 GW

  • Poland has installed over 2.26 GW of solar PV capacity till August 1, 2020 on cumulative basis
  • It reflects a growth of 156.22% over same time previous year, the grid operator stated on its social media
  • Poland is likely to end with more than 2.5 GW capacity till the end of this year, which will be beyond IEO’s expected numbers for 2020

By August 1, 2020, Poland’s cumulative installed and grid connected solar PV capacity reached 2,261.347 MW, as per the country’s grid operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE). It provided the update on its Twitter account.

This reflects an increase of 156% over the same period last year, and between July 2020 and August 2020, it means 7% more capacity addition in this segment. Earlier PSE said on July 1, 2020, installed PV capacity of the country was 2,108.9 MW which means in July 2020 the country added over 152 MW of new capacity.

During H1/2020, PSE data shows Poland added a little over 809 MW and adding July 2020 numbers, it goes up to over 961 MW.

In June 2020, the Institute for Renewable Energy (IEO) in Poland said the country can reach up to 2.5 GW of cumulative installed capacity by the end of 2020 and by 2025, it can go up to 7.8 GW (see Poland: 2.5 GW Cumulative PV Capacity By 2020-End).

However, if the monthly additions grow at the same pace, Poland is likely to exit this year with more than 2.5 GW expected.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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