TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 – CW3

Weekly Overview On Prices For Polysilicon, Wafers, Cells, Modules & Solar Glass for Calendar week 03 of 2024
TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 – CW3
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TaiyangNews PV Price Index – from polysilicon to solar modules:2024 CW 03

ProductPriceWoW (%)MoM (%)YtD (%)
Polysilicon RMB/kg (USD/kg)
N-Type Silicon in China (New)
Reusable Chinese 9N61.
Chinese 9N59.
Granular Silicon (New)
Global (USD/kg)
Wafer RMB/piece
p-type 182mm, 150μm2.000.0-2.40.0
p-type 210mm, 150μm2.95-1.7-1.7-1.7
n-type 210mm, 130μm3.10-4.0-4.6-4.0
n-type 182mm, 130μm2.300.0-4.20.0
Cells RMB/W
PERC bifacial p-type, 182mm0.390.00.08.3
PERC bifacial p-type, 210mm0.40-4.8-7.0-4.8
TOPCon n-type 182mm0.480.00.00.0
Modules RMB/W
PERC monofacial p-type, 182mm0.86-1.1-2.3-1.1
PERC bifacial p-type, 182mm, 72 cells0.89-2.2-3.3-2.2
PERC bifacial p-type, 210mm, 55 cells0.92-1.1-2.1-1.1
TOPCon bifacial n-type, 182mm, 72 cells1.
Solar Glass RMB/m2Source: ©TaiyangNews CW 03 2024

TAIYANGNEWS ALL ABOUT SOLAR POWER TaiyangNews PV Price Index – from polysilicon to solar modules:2024 – CW 03

The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey Information Technology Co. Ltd. More details about prices from individual companies and analysis are available for paid subscription from Gessey

Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of this price index's content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.

Breaking the stagnant trend seen over the past few weeks, the TaiyangNews PV Price Index saw some price movement in Calendar Week 3. Polysilicon prices saw a move up, while products downstream saw a dip ranging in the low- to mid-single-digits.

In CW3, Chinese polysilicon and reusable varieties were up 3.7% and 0.8% WoW, respectively, seeing a movement for the first time in 5 weeks.

2 wafer types listed were down single-digits WoW in CW3, one from the p-type and one from n-type. Among the p-type wafers, the 210 mm, 150 µm variety was down -1.7% WoW and MoM. The p-type 182 mm, 150 µm wafer was stable WoW but lost -2.4% MoM. For n-type wafers, the 210 mm, 130 µm variety was down -4.0% WoW and -4.6% MoM, while the 182 mm, 130 µm was stable WoW but down -4.2% MoM.

Like CW2, only one cell type listed in the index saw a change in its prices this week. PERC bifacial p-type 210 mm was down -4.8% WoW and -7.0% MoM.

All PERC module types listed were down low- single-digits both on a WoW and a MoM basis in CW3. PERC monofacial 182 mm and bifacial 210 mm were down a similar -1.1% WoW, and -2.3% and -2.1% MoM, respectively. PERC bifacial 182 mm was down -2.2% WoW and -3.3% MoM. The TOPCon bifacial type, on the other hand, was stable in both terms.

 Solar glass varieties listed have maintained their prices since making sudden jumps upward in CW35 of 2023 – the thicker one by 9.8% (3.2 mm), the thinner product by 8.1% (2.0 mm).

After a 2-week lull period, CY2024 has started to see some movement in product prices. 3 of the listed products have seen an upward movement in prices YtD. While a few of the MoM figures for CW3 show a down trend, there has been a general stabilization – or at least a slower decline rate – in prices over the past few weeks. We publish the TaiyangNews PV Price Index every Friday; stay tuned.

The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.

Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee reliability, accuracy or completeness of this price index' content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.

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