250 MW Solar Module Tender For Europe

Menlo Electric Issues Call To Secure 250 MW Solar Modules Supply

Menlo Electric, the Poland headquartered solar module supplier to installers, has issued a call to seek supply of 250 MW solar modules capacity. It believes this will secure stable supply for its customers in times of price increases and supply disruptions.

The Polish company said it is open to procuring a broad range of modules including black frame, bifacial and full black. It aims to deliver these modules to installers for the B2B and B2C segments across Central Europe with shipping expected to Gdańsk, Poland as well as ports of Southern Europe in Slovenia and/ or Romania.

Request for qualification (RFQ) documents will be available on email to [email protected] and the last date to submit bids is November 5, 2021.

Pointing out at the ‘true paradigm shift’ the PV module industry is undergoing currently, a subsidiary of Edison Energia Menlo Electric said risk management is the key in the areas of module prices, shipping costs as well as regulations with the ‘widespread unpredictability’ requiring distributors to develop skills associated with commodity traders.

“In these turbulent times, strong trust-based partnerships with suppliers and clients are more important than ever,” explained Menlo Electric’s Commercial Director Marcin Ślęzak. “We already enjoy several strategic partnerships with major module and inverter manufacturers. However, we are always on the lookout for new, ambitious partners who want to enter the region.” The company is a distributor for Trina Solar and Seraphim of China (see China PV News Snippets: Seraphim, Suntech, Baotou Meike).

Selling modules in 10 Central European nations, Menlo Electric now aims to expand its export markets to account for at least 50% of its revenues in 2022, compared to 30% now.

In February 2021, Menlo Electric’s parent company Edison Energia was seeking 200 MW solar module supply in Poland for installation in Poland (see 200 MW Solar Module Tender By Edison Energia).

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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